Layanan Pijat Terbaik

Crown Massage Home Spa menawarkan pijat panggilan profesional di Jakarta sejak 2017.

white and brown ceramic figurine
white and brown ceramic figurine
Pijat Relaksasi

Nikmati pijat relaksasi di rumah dengan tenaga profesional bersertifikat kami.

Pijat Terapi

Terapi pijat untuk mengatasi stres dan ketegangan otot secara efektif dan nyaman.

Pijat Aromaterapi

Rasakan manfaat aromaterapi yang menenangkan dan menyegarkan saat pijat berlangsung.

Pelayanan terbaik dan tenaga profesional, Crown Massage Home Spa sangat memuaskan! Sangat direkomendasikan.

Rina S.

A tranquil massage room with a neatly made massage table covered in a neutral-toned sheet and a decorative blanket. A wicker chair with a cushion is placed beside the table. A serene Buddha statue is visible outside the glass doors that allow natural light to enter. The room features a calming ambiance with minimalist decor and a wall light adding warmth to the space.
A tranquil massage room with a neatly made massage table covered in a neutral-toned sheet and a decorative blanket. A wicker chair with a cushion is placed beside the table. A serene Buddha statue is visible outside the glass doors that allow natural light to enter. The room features a calming ambiance with minimalist decor and a wall light adding warmth to the space.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.


Galeri Layanan

Lihat momen terbaik dari layanan massage panggilan kami.